

The Samhain gathering is Oct 26 – Nov 2. Read the Call, and register (so we know how much food to buy)!
We gather, fae folk from all paths betwixt and between, in the time between in-breath and out-breath, in the space between worlds.

What have we lost? What have we put away, that is waiting to be retrieved and shared? What has served us before, that we no longer need? What have our ancestors seeded for us, which we gather together to now celebrate? What do we bring, in (ir)reverence for our hallowed dead, in service to our beloved living hearts?

Hear this call to Samhain, and weave in your stories and your silences with ours. We gather to co-create sanctuary, so that none in our communities may face hungry months alone. We gather to feast, sing, clown, divine, to recall our strengths and carry them with us into the coming year. We gather to heal, and to support each other as we are, complete with our Shadows. As the dark season closes in we honor the wild hunters of the night, and we honor their quarry – they sustain us, and we are them.